Dense fog blanketed Delhi-NCR on Friday, causing a dip in minimum temperatures. The national capital experienced severe cold day conditions on Thursday, with temperatures falling by 6 degree Celsius, as per Safdarjung weather station.
Foggy conditions resulted in 22 trains to Delhi being delayed today, stated the Indian Railways. North Indian regions like Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Uttar Pradesh, and East Rajasthan are likely to persist with dense to very dense fog conditions till January 6.
On January 4, many places over Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, West Rajasthan, and West Madhya Pradesh experienced cold day to severe cold day conditions. In Delhi, the mercury touched a maximum of 12.5 degrees Celsius, 6.8 degrees below normal, at the Safdarjung observatory.
The weather office predicts a rise in minimum and maximum temperatures by 2-4 degrees from Sunday due to warm and moist southwesterly winds. Light to very light rainfall is expected in parts of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, southern Haryana and southern Uttar Pradesh early next week.
The weather department forecasts a gradual increase in minimum temperatures by 2-3 degree Celsius over East India in the first half of the week. Cold wave conditions are likely to occur in isolated pockets across Punjab, Haryana, and North Rajasthan, with a moderate likelihood in Uttar Pradesh, other parts of Rajasthan, and North Madhya Pradesh, primarily during the initial half of the week.