The Delhi Police, on May 3, made its first arrest in the case concerning the circulation of a doctored video involving Union Minister Amit Shah. The arrested individual, identified as Arun Reddy, operates a social media account under the name 'Spirit of Congress'.
As per reports, Arun Reddy holds significant positions within the Congress party, serving as the All India Congress Committee (AICC) National Coordinator for social media, boasting a substantial following of over 120,000 users. He also holds the role of National Coordinator for the Social Media Wing in Telangana.
Authorities have alleged that Arun Reddy deleted crucial evidence from his mobile phone, which is now undergoing forensic examination. He stands accused of disseminating edited videos and was apprehended in Delhi. He is scheduled to appear before a city court for further proceedings.
In a related development, a city court granted conditional bail to five members of the social media unit of the Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee (TPCC), who were arrested earlier for circulating a manipulated video featuring Union Home Minister Amit Shah.
The Hyderabad Cyber Crime Police recently announced the arrest of Pendyala Vamshi Krishna, Manne Sathish, Pettam Naveen, Asma Tasleem, and Koya Geetha for their involvement in circulating the morphed video. They were subsequently granted conditional bail by the Nampally Court.