The Delhi Police have filed an FIR concerning altered videos of Union Home Minister Amit Shah circulating on social media. The Ministry of Home Affairs lodged a complaint leading to the Special Cell of the Delhi Police registering the FIR under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and relevant provisions of the IT Act. Arrests nationwide are anticipated in connection with the case.
The complaint, filed by Sinku Sharan Singh, DC, Indian Cybercrime Coordination Centre (I4C), highlights that the manipulated videos aim to stir disharmony among communities, potentially impacting public tranquillity and order.
The police noted attached links from which the videos were shared, for further investigation. A copy of the FIR was dispatched to the IFSO unit of the Delhi Cyber Police.
Furthermore, the Delhi Police reached out to X and Facebook, requesting information regarding the origin of the altered Amit Shah clip and the initial account that shared the video on social media platforms.