It is well known that Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Trinamool Congress Chief Mamata Banerjee have often been at loggerheads with one another. This time, the two political rivals are at it again as Mamata has accused the Prime Minister as well as BJP President Amit Shah of launching a ‘coup’ in West Bengal.
These accusations come after a team of CBI officials reached Kolkata Police Commissioner Rajeev Kumar’s residence to ‘examine’ him as part of the Saradha chit fund and Rose valley case investigations, but were detained. A virtual showdown ensued as Kolkata Police personnel forcefully took away some of the CBI officers to the nearby Shakespeare Sarani police station and detained them amid the commotion.
Throwing her weight behind the city police chief, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee rushed to the Loudon Street residence of Kumar in central Kolkata and held a meeting.
Accusing PM Modi of trying to ‘silence the opposition’ by arranging a coup, CM Banerjee started a 'dharna' against the 'move by the BJP'. “I am going to stage a dharna to save the federal structure. From today I'm going to sit near the Metro Channel. Tomorrow, proceedings in state assembly will take place where I will hold a meeting. This dharna means satyagraha.”
The BJP, meanwhile, has slammed Banerjee for her action and have claimed that the resistance to the CBI investigation shows Banerjee’s “dictatorial attitude.”