Google, the global technology giant, has introduced an earthquake alert system in India aimed at providing early warnings to Android smartphone users during seismic events. Earthquakes pose a significant natural disaster threat worldwide, and swift alerts can play a crucial role in helping individuals and communities prepare and seek safety. Developed in collaboration with the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and the National Seismology Center (NSC) in India, this innovative system utilizes sensors within Android smartphones to detect and estimate earthquake activity.
Android smartphones are equipped with miniature accelerometers, functioning as miniature seismometers. These accelerometers can detect the initial stages of earthquakes when the phone is connected to a power source and charging. Google offers two types of alerts: "Be Aware" and "Take Action." The "Be Aware" alerts are dispatched to users who experience shaking corresponding to Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) levels 3 and 4 during an earthquake with a magnitude of 4.5 or higher. These alerts are displayed on the device's screen and do not produce any audible sounds if the phone is in Do Not Disturb mode or silent mode.
For users encountering MMI 5+ shaking during an earthquake with a magnitude of 4.5 or higher, the "Take Action" alerts are triggered. In such cases, the alerts override the phone's notification settings, including Do Not Disturb, and emit a loud sound. Google's system leverages data from multiple smartphones to detect earthquake-like tremors simultaneously, allowing it to estimate the occurrence and characteristics of an earthquake, including its epicenter and magnitude. The alerts are then transmitted to nearby phones.
Explaining the technology, Micah Berman, Product Manager of Android Safety at Google, stated, "Internet signals travel at the speed of light, much faster than the propagation of earthquake shaking through the ground, so the alerts often reach phones several seconds before severe shaking does."
This feature, already operational in several countries worldwide, will be rolled out to all Android 5+ users in India over the next week. The alerts are user-friendly and available in Indian languages supported by Android. To receive alerts, users must have Wi-Fi and/or cellular data connectivity enabled, along with both Android earthquake alerts and location settings. Users who prefer not to receive these alerts can disable them in their device settings.
Additionally, the system provides earthquake-related information through Google Search when users conduct searches using queries like "Earthquake near me."