The Hyderabad city police have registered a case against Union Home Minister Amit Shah, BJP Hyderabad Lok Sabha constituency candidate K Madhavi Latha, and other BJP leaders. The case revolves around the alleged use of minors in a political campaign rally, constituting a potential violation of election regulations.
The complaint, lodged by Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee (TPCC) vice-president Niranjan Reddy with the Telangana Chief Electoral Officer (CEO), detailed an incident during a BJP rally on May 1. The rally, which spanned from Laldawaza to Sudha Talkies, reportedly featured minor children on the dais alongside Amit Shah.
Reddy's complaint specifically highlighted the presence of a child displaying a BJP symbol, which he argued contravened the Election Commission's guidelines. This complaint prompted the CEO to forward the matter to the city police for an investigation.
Subsequently, the Moghalpura police station initiated an FIR against Amit Shah and other accused persons, including T Yaman Singh, senior BJP leader G Kishan Reddy, and legislator T Raja Singh. The FIR, registered under IPC Section 188 for the violation of an order issued by a public servant, signifies a formal inquiry into the alleged poll code violation.
The Hyderabad police are now conducting further investigations into the matter to ascertain the facts surrounding the alleged incident.