I&B ministry issues advisory against misleading advertisements on online gaming

I&B ministry issues advisory against misleading advertisements on online gaming

online gamingonline gaming
India TodayNE
  • Dec 05, 2020,
  • Updated Dec 05, 2020, 12:48 AM IST

NEW DELHI: The Union Ministry of Information and Broadcasting on Friday issued an advisory asking all private television broadcasters to follow guidelines issued by the Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) related to online gaming and fantasy sports.

The ministry in its advisory urged the private channels to ensure advertisements do not promote any activity which is prohibited by statute or law.

"It has come to the notice of Ministry of I&B that a large number of advertisements on Online Gaming, Fantasy Sports, etc have been appearing in the television. Concerns were expressed that such advertisements appear to be misleading, do not correctly convey to the customers the financial and other risks associated thereof, are not in strict conformity with the Advertising Code laid down under Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995 and the Consumer Protection Act, 2019," the I&B advisory said.

"After discussion and consultation, it was agreed that ASCI would issue an appropriate guideline for the benefit of the advertisers and broadcaster to ensure that the advertisements are transparent and protect customers," it further added.

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Here are the guidelines:

1) No gaming advertisement can depict a person below the age of 18, engaging in a game of online gaming for real money winnings, or suggest that such persons can play these games.

2) All such gaming advertisements should carry disclaimers --print or audio/video -- on the fact that the game involves an element of financial risk and may be addictive and that users should play at their own risk.

3) The advertisements should not present ‘online gaming for real money winnings’ as an income opportunity or as an alternative employment option.

4) The advertisements should not suggest that a person engaged in gaming activity is more successful as compared to others.

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