INDIA alliance rally demands immediate release of Arvind Kejriwal and Hemant Soren

INDIA alliance rally demands immediate release of Arvind Kejriwal and Hemant Soren

The INDIA Alliance, led by prominent leaders, articulated their concerns and demands for electoral justice at a Maharally in Delhi. The alliance proposed the establishment of a Special Investigation Team to probe allegations of electoral manipulation.

India TodayNE
  • Mar 31, 2024,
  • Updated Mar 31, 2024, 4:31 PM IST

    In the Maharally held in Delhi today, the INDIA Alliance put forth a series of demands, highlighting their stance on electoral integrity and justice. Led by prominent leaders, the alliance articulated their concerns and called for action on several pressing issues.

    Addressing the crowd, the general secretary of Congress, Priyanka Gandhi, asserted, "Ram stands for Truth, BJP not Ram bhakt,".

    She pointed out loud the 5 key demands of the INDIA alliance from today’s rally.

    1. The alliance urged the Election Commission of India to ensure equal opportunity for all during Lok Sabha elections.

    2. Opposing the alleged misuse of governmental agencies such as Income Tax, Enforcement Directorate (ED), and Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for political vendetta during elections, the alliance demanded an end to such practices.

    3. They further demand an immediate release of Shri Hemant Soren and Arvind Kejriwal. 

    4. The alliance called for an end to the coercive economic tactics employed against opposition political parties during elections.

    5. Emphasizing the need for transparency and accountability, the alliance proposed the establishment of a Special Investigation Team (SIT) under the supervision of the Supreme Court to probe allegations of electoral manipulation, coercion, extortion, and financial irregularities perpetrated by the BJP through the use of electoral machinery.

    The maharally served as a platform for the INDIA Alliance to vocalize their demands and mobilize support for their cause. With eyes set on electoral reform and justice, the alliance aims to address systemic issues

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