The Indian Railways has been planning to double the number of Shramik Trains to bring more relief to migrants. In addition to these Shramik Special trains, Indian Railways is going to run 200 new Time Tabled trains from June 1, 2020. The routes and schedule of these trains will be intimated soon.
The passengers have to book ticket through online. The Indian Railways informed that the trains will be non-AC. No tickets will be sold at any railway station and prospective travellers should not come to the railway station to buy tickets.
Also read: Indian Railways cancels all passenger trains till June-end, to run only special trains
Indian Railways appeals to the migrants not to panic. Efforts are being made to ensure that all of them are able to travel to their home states at the earliest.
Efforts will be made such that they will be able to board trains from Railway Station Head on main line which is close to their existing location.
Railways has asked the state governments to identify and locate these migrants who are walking on roads to go to their home states and transport them to the nearest main line railway station after doing their registration at the nearest district.
Also read: Indian Railways Lose Rs. 80 Crore amid CAA Protests
It may be mentioned that the Indian Railways has transported more than 21.5 lakh migrants to their home states through “Shramik Special” trains in 19 days and operate more than 1600 “Shramik Special” trains.
Indian Railways to double the number of Shramik Trains to bring more relief to Migrants. Around 200 trains to run by tonight.
The national transporter started operating 15 pairs of special Rajdhani trains May 12 onwards, in a gradual resumption of passenger train operations after seven weeks, owing to the Covid-19 outbreak in the country.
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So far, the migrant special trains were being coordinated between the sending and receiving State governments, while the railway ministry functioned as a facilitator for such trains. The fresh communique from MHA said that sending State governments were to directly coordinate with the railway ministry in operating such trains meant for transporting migrants back to their home States.
The Indian Railways on Thursday suspended all the passenger trains, barring the Shramik Special services and 30 special trains, till further notice.
Earlier on May 14, all the tickets booked to travel on or before June 30 were cancelled. All tickets booked for these cancelled trains will be fully refunded, the national transporter added.
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