In a historic move several interior areas in the Maoist-affected region of Singhbhum Lok Sabha seat in Jharkhand are poised to witness voting for the first time or after decades-long gaps. On May 13, polling teams and materials will be air-dropped via helicopters to facilitate voting in these remote areas, including the Saranda forest, considered Asia's densest Sal forest.
West Singhbhum's Deputy Commissioner cum District Election Officer, Kuldeep Chaudhary, highlighted the commitment to ensuring maximum voter participation, emphasizing efforts to include areas untouched by previous elections, particularly those severely impacted by Maoist insurgency.
Despite some improvements, West Singhbhum remains among the worst left-wing extremism-affected districts in the country, with numerous incidents reported last year alone.
Chaudhary specified that polling stations such as Middle School, Nugdi, and Madhya Vidyalaya, Borero, would witness voting for the first time in this election cycle.
A total of 118 booths in difficult locations have been earmarked for air dropping, including villages like Robokera, Binj, and Thalkobad. The administration has also established new security camps in the region to bolster presence and security.
Innovative measures, including home voting options for elderly and disabled voters, are being implemented to ensure maximum participation. Additionally, the administration is conducting awareness campaigns through initiatives like 'Chunav Pathshala' and deploying a giant sky balloon to educate voters about the importance of exercising their franchise.
Singhbhum Lok Sabha seat, reserved for Scheduled Tribes, boasts 14.32 lakh voters, of whom 7.27 lakh are women. The BJP has fielded sitting MP Geeta Kora, wife of former chief minister Madhu Koda, for the upcoming elections.
Jharkhand's Lok Sabha polls will be conducted in four phases on May 13, 20, 25, and June 1, encompassing various regions including Singhbhum. In the previous general elections, the BJP secured 11 seats, with its ally AJSU winning one, while the JMM and Congress each claimed one seat.