As tensions rise over the Cauvery water dispute, schools and colleges in Bengaluru are set to remain closed on Friday (September 29). The Bengaluru district administration declared a holiday for educational institutions in anticipation of the statewide bandh, called by 'Kannada Okkuta,' a coalition of various Kannada organizations, in protest against the release of Cauvery water to Tamil Nadu.
This dawn-to-dusk shutdown, organized by 'Kannada Okkuta,' represents the collective voice of several Kannada outfits, including factions of Karnataka Rakshana Vedike, Kannada Chalavali (Vatal Paksha), and various farmers’ bodies. The protest aims to draw attention to the longstanding Cauvery water-sharing issue and express the discontent of Kannada-speaking residents in the state.
While the bandh is expected to impact various aspects of daily life, transportation services may be particularly affected in the southern region of Karnataka. Reports suggest that incoming passengers will rely on buses operating from airports, railway stations, and bus stands. However, services connecting Karnataka to Tamil Nadu are likely to be disrupted.