In Madhya Pradesh, the Bharatiya Janata Party's Datia district unit head has stated that appropriate action will be taken if the 19-year-old victim of a recent gang-rape case names the son of a local party functionary as one of the perpetrators, according to her police statement.
The incident took place on July 14 when the woman was allegedly abducted and raped by four individuals in Datia district. Subsequently, the victim attempted to take her own life, as reported by the police.
Currently, one adult suspect has been arrested, while two minors have been detained. The authorities are actively searching for another accused individual, for whom a reward of Rs 10,000 has been announced, confirmed Unav police station in-charge Yadvendra Singh Gurjar.
Of those apprehended thus far, one is the minor son of a local BJP functionary, whose name was mentioned in the First Information Report (FIR) filed in connection with the case.
Addressing the situation, Surendra Budholia, the BJP's district president, expressed his regret over the incident and highlighted that the victim's statement is yet to be recorded by the police. Budholia added that if the victim includes the name of the BJP office-bearer's son in her statement, the party will issue a notice to the functionary and take appropriate action accordingly.
Following the assault, a complaint was lodged by the victim's younger sister, detailing the abduction of both sisters by four individuals. The accused reportedly took them to a house, where the elder sister was subjected to rape, according to Superintendent of Police Pradeep Sharma.
After the incident, the victim's sister and herself returned home, where the victim attempted suicide. She was admitted to a hospital in Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, for medical treatment.
The incident resulted in a protest at the local police station, resulting in the registration of a case. The police provided a copy of the FIR to the protesters to pacify the situation.
The accused individuals have been charged under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), including gang-rape, assault, wrongful confinement, and sections of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, according to Superintendent of Police Pradeep Sharma.