The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting sent an advisory to private Television channels, asking them to “desist from showing children in a vulgar, indecent, suggestive and inappropriate manner on dance reality shows”.
The advisory further stated, “The gestures, dialogues and dance moves performed by the kids appear to be suggestive and obscene for their age.”
The dance performances of some kids from a dance reality show were brought to the notice of the Information and Broadcasting Ministry after viewers complained that the dance moves appeared to be obscene for the kids’ ages.
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In 2012, the Broadcasting Content Complaints Council (BCCC) also issued an advisory on ‘Sexualisation of Children in TV shows’, asking all Indian Broadcasting Foundation (IBF) member channels to “refrain from featuring children below the age of 12 years in any situation that has sexual or adult overtones”.
Meanwhile, judges of kids’ dance shows admit that they often face this problem when they review performances.
It may be mentioned that many a time, people from different platforms have been complaining over the functioning of the reality shows. Many legal bodies have also filed online petitions against the private television channels following the obscenity and inappropriate screening of the kids in different shows.