16-year-old Kaamya Karthikeyan, a class XII student of Mumbai's Navy Children School along with her father, Commander S Karthikeyan of the Indian Navy, achieved a historic feat by successfully summiting Mount Everest on May 20.
In a post on X, the Indian Navy said that by successfully summiting Mt Everest (8,849 metres), Kamya became the youngest Indian mountaineer to scale the world's highest peak from the Nepal side.
With this achievement, Kaamya has successfully conquered the highest peaks on six continents.
Her upcoming challenge is to climb Mount Vinson Massif in Antarctica this December, aiming to become the youngest girl to complete the coveted '7 Summits challenge'.
In a remarkable feat back in 2020, Kaamya Karthikeyan made history as the youngest girl worldwide to summit Mount Aconcagua, the tallest peak in South America and beyond Asia's borders.
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