Information and Technology Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw on Thursday said that High-speed 5G services will be rolled out in many parts of the country, including Odisha, very soon.
''Odisha will get 5G service in the very first phase,'' the IT Minister informed while interacting with reporters in Puri.
Further while responding to any impact of the 5G radiation on human beings, he said, '' The radiation which will be produced after the services rolled out, will be 10 times less than the radiation norms set by the World Health Organisation (WHO). So, no one should worry about it''.
As many as 13 cities are likely to get 5G services across the country in the first phase.
He also informed that the Centre has asked telecom operators to improve the quality of their service, adding, ''5G lab has been developed at IIT-Madras.
In addition to this, Vaishnaw who is also a Railway Minister informed that India is eying developing hydrogen-powered trains by 2023.
“ Through 'Gati Shakti' policy,, the Railways is trying to connect the remote and connected areas of the country, and work on this is on the fast track,'' he added.