T Raja Singh, a BJP leader of Telangana unit, was detained on Thursday, according to the Hyderabad police, who had issued two notices under section 41 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which permits detention without a warrant, for allegedly insulting Prophet Mohammed in April.
After Singh allegedly made the comments during Ramnavami celebration, cases were opened at the Shajinayathganj and Mangalghat police stations in Hyderabad. He was taken to the Osmania General Hospital for a medical check-up after the arrest.
The suspended BJP MLA was picked up under Act No.1 of 1986 (Preventive Detention Act), police said.
In a statement, the BJP also demanded that Singh reply to the show-cause notice within ten days.
The controversial leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), was detained on August 23 in Hyderabad after being charged with making derogatory comments against the Prophet Muhammad.
After demonstrations broke out on Monday across Hyderabad, particularly in the South, East, and West Zones, calling for action against him, an FIR was filed against him.
Singh was heard insulting Islam and Muslims in a purported video that went viral on social media.
It needs mention here that on April 2022, Raja Singh was booked by the Hyderabad Police for creating a nuisance and disturbing public peace and tranquility after he made provocative and communal speeches during a Ram Navami Shobha yatra. During the procession, he also sang a song with the lyrics, “Bharat will become a Hindu Rashtra soon”.