In a scathing attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Congress leader Jairam Ramesh on July 14 raised questions about the Prime Minister's priorities and selective concern. Ramesh lashed out at PM Modi for dialing the Home Minister from Paris to inquire about the flood situation in New Delhi, while remaining silent on the burning issues in Manipur and during his visit to the United States.
Taking to Twitter, Ramesh expressed his view on the matter, stating, "Prime Minister dialed Home Minister from Paris to inquire about the flood situation in New Delhi. It is good that he showed such concern. Why was no such call made when he was away in the US and Manipur was burning? Manipur is still burning while the Prime Minister is in France. But looks like he’s taken a vow of total and complete silence on Manipur.
This criticism from Jairam Ramesh comes after he previously accused PM Modi of avoiding crucial national issues such as China and the violence in Manipur. Ramesh highlighted the contrast between the UK Parliamentary panel's questioning of UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and the lack of similar interactions in India's democracy. He tweeted, "This is quite incredible even by British standards. Certainly such an interaction is impossible in the self-declared 'Mother of Democracy' where eloquence equals silence from the Prime Minister on issues of national importance."
Referring to the video he shared of Rishi Sunak being questioned by the Parliamentary panel, Ramesh pointed out the importance of government officials addressing crucial announcements and policies. He further commented, "And some PMs will never speak on issues like China, Manipur, etc."