With the advent of the Navratri season, Prime Minister Narendra Modi shared a new Navratri anthem, titled Maadi, on X. The song, which celebrates the splendour of the Navratri festival and the vibrant traditions of Gujarat, was penned by the Prime Minister himself in recent days. Divya Kumar lent his voice to the track, while the music was composed by Manmeet Singh and Harmeet Singh from Meet Bros.
Sharing the video, PM Modi wrote, “As the auspicious Navratri dawns upon us, I am delighted to share a Garba penned by me during the past week. Let the festive rhythms embrace everyone! I thank @MeetBros, Divya Kumar for giving voice and music to this Garba.”
Reacting to the new track, someone wrote in the comment section on YouTube, “This video has to be one of the most culturally/exhilarating short I have ever seen! The people of India look so happy! Best wishes to PM Modi.”
“Multitalented PM- He is lyricist, versatile leader, bold decision maker, great communicator, great orator etc,” praised another user. One more said, “An absolute musical delight from PM Modi! 🇮🇳 This song truly encapsulates the spirit of our nation. Let's celebrate together.”
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