MUMBAI: Ghanshyam Singh, Republic TV’s distribution head, has been arrested by the Mumbai Police in connection with the case over alleged manipulation of a television rating point (TRP). Singh is the 12th accused to be taken into custody in the TRP manipulation case.
Singh, who is also Assistant Vice President of the Republic Media Network, was picked up from his residence around 7.40 am, the official said.
The fake TRP scam came to light last month when ratings agency Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC) filed a complaint through Hansa Research Group, alleging that certain television channels were rigging TRP numbers.
Republic TV anchor and Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami was arrested in a separate case last week in an abetment to suicide case filed in 2018.
Also Read: Arnab Goswami’s bail plea rejected by Bombay High Court
Goswami was arrested on November 3 from his Mumbai residence and has been booked under section 306 (abetment of suicide) and 34 (common intention) of the Indian Penal Code.
The Bombay High Court on Monday rejected the interim bail application of Arnab Goswami in an alleged abetment of suicide case.
Rejecting the plea, Bombay HC informed that Arnab’s right to approach Session Court still exists.
The high court further said that the session court will decide on the bail of the journalist within a 4-day time limit.
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