Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) Chief Mohan Bhagwat has raised quite a few eyebrows after he said that rearing cows can cure ‘criminality’. While addressing a gathering on Saturday, he said that criminality is reduced when one is engaged in rearing cows.
Bhagwat made this remark at the 'Gauseva Awards' in Pune that was organised by the Go-Vigyan Sanshodhan Sanshtha, an organisation dedicated to `cow science’ research.
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According to Bhagwat, jail inmates who rear cows are less prone to committing crimes. He said that the officials of a jail authority informed him about the ‘benefit’ of rearing cows. When the jail inmates were given the task to rear cows, the criminal mindset in them decreased, Bhagwat said.
Bhagwat said, “When jails set up cow sheds and prisoners started rearing cows, the authorities saw that the criminal mindset of these prisoners started diminishing, and I am telling you this from experiences shared by some jail authorities.”
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The RSS Chief also said that documentation of cow rearing is also of great importance. “We will have to carry out psychological experiments on prisoners, and assess the changes in them after they rear cows for a certain time, and findings need to be sourced from different places,” Bhagwat added.
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