In a devastating incident, a firecracker factory in Tamil Nadu's Ariyalur exploded triggering a massive fire. The factory workers were busy preparing for Diwali when disaster struck.
According to sources, the explosion that triggered a massive fire, claimed four lives. While reports suggest that the number of deaths might rise up. Additionally, five seriously injured individuals are receiving treatment in the intensive care unit of the Thanjavur Government Hospital.
Firefighters are battling to douse the fire which has also spread to a nearby godown. This incident follows a recent tragedy in Hosuryg where 14 lives were lost in a fire at a firecracker shop.
As Diwali approaches, there is a growing demand for the government and firecracker industry management to collaborate in preventing such catastrophic accidents.
Also read : Watch: LPG cylinders explode in Maharashtra's Pimpri Chinchwad triggering massive fire