A devastating fire in Jaipur, Rajasthan has resulted in the tragic deaths of a couple and their three children after a cylinder in their home caught fire. The victims who were asleep at the time of the incident were unable to escape the flames.
Upon receiving information about the blaze, teams of police and fire brigade rushed to the scene to control the fire. However, despite their efforts the five individuals originally from Bihar succumbed to the fire before it could be extinguished.
Police and forensic teams are currently investigating the cause of the fire to ascertain further details surrounding the tragic incident.
Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma has expressed deep sorrow over the loss of lives in the fire. In a statement, he conveyed his condolences to the families of the victims and prayed for the departed souls to find peace. Additionally, he extended his wishes for the speedy recovery of any injured individuals.
"The news of the untimely demise of 5 civilians due to the massive fire at Vishwakarma in Jaipur is heart-wrenching. I pray to Almighty God to give place to the departed souls at his feet and strength to the family members and speedy recovery of the injured. Instructions have also been given to provide proper treatment facilities to the injured," the Chief Minister wrote on X.
The tragic incident highlights the devastating consequences of fire accidents and underscores the importance of fire safety measures in households to prevent such disasters in the future.