In a remarkable turn of events, a group of monkeys have become the unlikely heroes of a six-year-old girl in Baghpat, Uttar Pradesh. The girl was allegedly lured to an abandoned house by an unidentified man who attempted to sexually assault her. However, the monkeys in guise of Lord Hanuman's 'Vanar Sena' intervened, attacking the man and forcing him to flee.
According to the victim's father, the incident occurred on Saturday, September 21 while the girl was playing outside their home. The man, who remains unidentified, allegedly took the child to an abandoned building and attempted to assault her. The girl managed to escape and reported the incident to her family, who immediately alerted the police.
The girl's father expressed his gratitude to the monkeys, stating that his daughter would have been in grave danger if they had not intervened. He also mentioned that the man had threatened his child, further emphasizing the severity of the situation.
The police have registered a case against the accused under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code and the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. A thorough investigation is underway to identify and apprehend the perpetrator.