Voting for the West Bengal panchayat election 2023 began at 7 am on July 8 amid tight security but not before four workers from Trinamool Congress (TMC) killed just hours before the polling, claimed sources.
The Communist Party of India (Marxist) alleged they were attacked by rival parties hours before the voting for the West Bengal panchayat elections began.
According to sources, a TMC worker indentified as Babar Ali was killed in Kapasdanga area of Murshidabad district, which is one of the worst affected due to violence.
In another incident, a TMC worker was killed in a crude bomb blast in Rejinagar in Murshidabad district on Friday. While another TMC worker was stabbed to death in Khargram in the district.
Multiple reports of attack on TMC workers have also been reported. In Jalpaiguri, a Trinamool candidate was allegedly attacked by BJP workers. The TMC hit out at the opposition parties for causing tension amidst the ongoing polls.