West Bengal Police on January 5 apprehended a man after he allegedly admitted to killing his wife and cutting the body in two pieces before drowning sacks holding these in a canal in the north Bengal town of Siliguri, said a police officer.
The man confessed his crime during interrogation nearly after 10 days his wife went missing, the officer added.
As per police, the man suspected that his wife named Renuka Khatun was involved in an extramarital affair Mohd Ansarul allegedly strangled his wife before chopping the body into two pieces.
The head and the torso were put in two different sacks and were drowned in the Mahananda canal, the police claimed.
Meanwhile, police have launched a search operation with the assistance of drivers to retrieve the body pieces.
It is worth mentioning that the incident reminds one of the killings of Shraddha Walker and chopping her body into 35 pieces by her live-in partner Aftab Poonawala in Delhi.
The 28-year-old currently under judicial custody, hacked up Shraddha's body and kept the pieces chilled before burying them in the Chhattarpur jungles in south Delhi.
Aftab spends his time strategizing chess moves, mostly alone but occasionally with two other prisoners, as reported by the jail officials.
According to the accused, he expressed his extreme rage toward Shraddha for going on a pretended date with a different man she had met on May 17.
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