In a chilling and heinous crime that has shocked Bengaluru, a young woman was found brutally murdered, with her body dismembered into 32 pieces. The horrific discovery was made within the jurisdiction of Vayalikaval Police Station, with authorities estimating that the crime occurred approximately 4 to 5 days before the body was found.
The victim, believed to have relocated from another state, had been living in Bengaluru for some time. Police officers uncovered the gruesome scene at her residence, where the dismembered body parts were stored in a refrigerator, adding a macabre dimension to the already shocking crime.
Investigators are conducting a thorough examination of the crime scene, meticulously gathering evidence to piece together the sequence of events.
Despite the intensity of the investigation, law enforcement officials have yet to disclose any information regarding potential suspects or the motive behind the murder. The Bengaluru Police are expected to release updates as the investigation progresses.
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