In response to the announcement of the Bharatiya Janata Party's candidate, Dorjee Tshering Lepcha for the upcoming Rajya Sabha election, the Sikkim Krantikari Morcha (SKM) spokesperson Jacob Khaling on January 8 expressed support for the BJP candidate and said that the alliance between SKM and BJP is for Sikkim's progress. Stating the collaboration for the resolution of Sikkim's long-standing political issues and development, Khaling stated, "SKM is in favor and support of NDA and the BJP at the state and national level."
Khaling dismissed claims of surrender asserting that working with the BJP at the center is not a capitulation but a commitment to the federal structure. He affirmed that SKM would present its demands within the alliance and promised an official statement on the matter soon.
The alliance, Khaling stated is crucial for addressing the pending issues of Sikkim and SKM is confident in forming the government in the upcoming 2024 elections. He clarified, "Alliance with BJP will work on long-pending issues of Sikkim and the alliance will go on that direction."
In a press conference on January 7, the Sikkim BJP Chief, Dilli Ram Thapa, announced Dorjee Tshering Lepcha as the BJP's candidate for the Rajya Sabha election. Thapa steered away from speculations about a combined effort with SKM in the 2024 Sikkim Assembly elections, focusing instead on SKM's support for the Rajya Sabha election.
Thapa expressed gratitude for SKM's backing, deeming it a fortunate day for the BJP. Lepcha, the nominated candidate, thanked SKM, Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang, Home Minister Amit Shah and Prime Minister Narendra Modi for their support. He also pledged to address Sikkim's concerns in the Rajya Sabha.