An army personnel named GNR (gunner) Mithelesh Kumar Yadav was found dead after falling from a height of 60 feet near the Indo-China border. The incident came to light after JC 283959H SUB(OPR) Mahendra Singh of 54 field regiment filed a written FIR.
According to the FIR, Yadav was on duty at Khargosh OP (East Sikkim) when he was discovered in an unconscious state with multiple injuries by a search party at around 10:50 pm. He was immediately evacuated to CDR-II OP MI room and then to Sherathang MI room, where he was declared dead by a doctor at 12:30 am on 19/02/2023.
Yadav had reportedly gone to the lavatory at around 10:10 pm accompanied by LNK (OPR) Praveen Kumar. However, when he did not return after 15 minutes, Kumar went to search for him and found the bathroom door open. The search party was then alerted, and they found Yadav lying unconscious 60 feet down with multiple injuries.
An inquest was conducted, and the dead body has been forwarded for medico-legal autopsy at STNM hospital. The case is currently under investigation.
This incident is a reminder of the risks and challenges faced by our armed forces personnel in the line of duty. Our thoughts are with the family and loved ones of the deceased.