Ganesh Rai, the prominent leader and founder of the Citizen Action Party (CAP), has spoken out after undergoing a five-hour interrogation by Melli police on August 26 at the Melli police station. The investigation is linked to allegations of fund mismanagement and corruption charges made by the Mellidara Multi-purpose Cooperative Society in 2014. Rai asserts that the case is an orchestrated effort to hinder the rising popularity of his party.
The case revolves around a row of alleged fund mismanagement and corruption charges raised against Ganesh Rai during his tenure as the chairperson of the Melli Dara Multi-purpose Cooperative Society (MPCS). It is related to a Kisan Credit Card loan of Rs 15 lakh. The investigation has led to two FIRs being lodged at the Melli police station against Ganesh Rai and IK Pradhan, the former manager of the Melli Dara Cooperative Society. The case, registered on April 17, 2023, is in its seventh hearing today.
Following the prolonged interrogation, Ganesh Rai addressed the media, dismissing the allegations against him as an attempt to stifle the growing popularity of the Citizen Action Party. Rai conveyed his belief that the investigation was being leveraged to tarnish the party's image and harass its members.
"This is nothing but a strategy to curb the upward trajectory of CAP's popularity," Rai stated firmly. "I want to assure all our party workers who have joined us from various corners that my politics is rooted in honesty. The allegations against me and our party are baseless and driven by vested interests."
Ganesh Rai highlighted the perceived reasons behind the investigation, claiming that the government fears the principles and values upheld by the Citizen Action Party. He emphasized that the party's origins among common people and its commitment to transparency in politics have fueled its popularity and made it a potential threat to the status quo.
"The government is apprehensive about our party's emergence as it is founded by ordinary citizens. They fear our principles and our promise to bring a new approach to politics," Rai asserted. "Our honesty is our strength, and they are resorting to tactics to suppress us."