Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang, popularly known as PS Tamang, filed his nomination today for the Soreng-Chakung constituency at the Soreng District Administration Centre, marking a significant step in the upcoming 11th Assembly Elections. Additionally, he announced his candidacy for the Rhenock constituency.
Before officially submitting his nomination papers, CM Tamang paid a visit to his hometown of Soreng, where he sought the blessings of his mother. Expressing profound gratitude, he acknowledged the profound impact of her presence in his life, stating, "Her presence always brings me immense joy and peace."
CM Tamang highlighted his deep reverence for his mother's simplicity and kindness, emphasizing the pivotal role she has played in shaping his character and values. He fervently prayed for her well-being and safety, invoking divine protection over her.
The act of seeking blessings from his mother underscores CM Tamang's rootedness in familial values and traditions, resonating with many constituents in Soreng and beyond. As he gears up for the electoral contest, CM Tamang's homage to his mother reflects not only personal reverence but also serves as a symbolic gesture of humility and respect towards the electorate.
The nomination filing event witnessed a significant turnout of supporters and well-wishers, reflecting the widespread anticipation surrounding CM Tamang's candidacy in both the Soreng-Chakung and Rhenock constituencies.
With the elections drawing closer, CM Tamang's bid for re-election continues to garner momentum, with his commitment to serving the people and upholding their interests remaining at the forefront of his campaign agenda.
As the electoral landscape unfolds, all eyes are on CM Tamang as he embarks on this journey, seeking to secure a renewed mandate to lead the state towards progress and prosperity.