Sikkim Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang graced the state-level Chasok Tongnam celebrations held at Saramsa Garden in East Sikkim on December 14, reaffirming his administration's dedication to cultural preservation and spiritual growth.
Addressing the gathering, CM Tamang announced plans to construct Yuma Manghims—cultural and spiritual centers—at various locations across the state, inspired by the model in Darap. "These Manghims will symbolize cultural and spiritual unity, fostering a sense of belonging among our people," he stated.
He also emphasized the importance of safeguarding the state's cultural landmarks, including Sirijunga Falls and the Holy Cave, which are revered by the Limboo community. Highlighting a proposed alternative route to protect these sacred sites, the Chief Minister reiterated the government's commitment to preserving their sanctity.
During the event, CM Tamang released the 53rd and 54th editions of INGSA, urging citizens to cherish and protect Sikkim's vibrant cultural heritage while embracing modernization and progress. He stressed the need for communal harmony, peace, and collective efforts to achieve a prosperous and unified state.
The Chief Minister further provided updates on the government's ongoing initiatives to address the aspirations and needs of the people, pledging sustained efforts to support holistic development and ensure equitable progress across the state.
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