Today, Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang of Sikkim will preside over the commemoration of the 210th Bhanu Jayanti at Manan Bhawan in Gangtok. This auspicious event, organized by the Nepali Sahitya Parishad, Sikkim, promises to be a celebration of cultural pride and literary excellence, honoring the legacy of Adikabi Bhanubhakta Acharya.
Chief Minister Tamang, alongside MLA Delay Namgyal Barfungpa, President of the 210th Bhanu Jayanti Celebration Committee, will grace the occasion as the Chief Guest and Session Chair. The event is scheduled to commence at 12:30 PM with the arrival and seating of guests, followed by the ceremonial lighting of the lamp to symbolize the illumination of knowledge and cultural enlightenment.
Central to the festivities will be the presentation of the Ramayana, a revered epic in Nepali literature, by students from Jubilee School, Chandmari, Gangtok. Led by Karma Rinzing Bhutia, this rendition will showcase the timeless virtues of duty, devotion, and sacrifice, echoing the spirit of Adikabi Bhanubhakta Acharya's literary contributions.
Poetry readings by students from Modern Higher Secondary School will further enrich the program with their artistic expressions. The event will also feature cultural performances, including group harmony dances, highlighting the vibrant cultural heritage of Sikkim.
In his address, Chief Minister Tamang is expected to speak on the festival's significance in fostering unity, integrity and communal harmony among the people of Sikkim. He will draw inspiration from the life and works of Adikabi Bhanubhakta Acharya.
The ceremony will culminate with the presentation of prestigious awards, including the Language Prestige Award to Dawa Tshering Lepcha for his outstanding contributions to Lepcha Language-Literature.
Participants of various literary competitions will be honored with awards and certificates, celebrating their talent and dedication to advancing Sikkim's cultural heritage. A vote of thanks by Joseph Lepcha, Secretary Propagation of the Nepali Sahitya Parishad, Sikkim, will express gratitude to all attendees, organizers and participants for their contributions to making the 210th Bhanu Jayanti celebration a memorable success.