The village of Tokchi in Pakyong district has been severely affected by continuous rains over the past two days leaving families in distress and homes destroyed.
The continuous downpour has caused huge damage washing away houses, walls and even kitchens turning lives upside down.
Residents of Tokchi are facing immense hardships as they struggle to cope with the aftermath of the natural calamity. Affected families are calling for immediate assistance from the district administration and the government.
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“We request the district administration of Pakyong district to visit the affected families and assess the damage. The government must conduct a site visit and provide houses under the ‘Chief Minister’s Rural Housing Mission’ (CMRHM),” said a family member. “Disaster management authorities need to release funds for the poor affected families. We once again request the district administration and the government to help the affected families.”
The families had previously received housing under a government scheme, but the rains now have left them in dire need of further support. “I request the Chief Minister to look into the issue and ensure that necessary funds and housing are provided under the ‘Chief Minister’s Rural Housing Mission’ (CMRHM),” the family member added.