JP Bind, a passionate cricket and fitness enthusiast, has recently made a tattoo of Sikkim Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang on his chest. This unusual act was a tribute to acknowledge the generosity of PS Golay, as he had supported JP Bind during his struggling time when the CM was the Sports Minister in the year 2006.
According to JP Bind, the support he received from CM Golay during his difficult phase was significant, and he will always be grateful for it. JP Bind became a great fan of CM Golay after receiving his support and has been following his work closely since then.
The tattoo of CM Golay on his chest is a permanent symbol of gratitude and respect towards the chief minister. JP Bind has always been an admirer of tattoos and considers them as a way to express his emotions and passions.
Many people have applauded JP Bind's gesture, saying that it is a unique and heartwarming way to acknowledge someone's support and contribution in one's life. The news of JP Bind's tattoo has also gained popularity on social media, with many people appreciating his dedication and loyalty towards CM Golay.
In a statement, CM Golay expressed his gratitude towards JP Bind and said that he is proud to have supporters like him who value his work and contributions towards society. He also wished JP Bind good luck for his future endeavors and encouraged him to continue following his passion for cricket and fitness.
JP Bind's act of getting a tattoo of CM Golay on his chest is a symbol of gratitude, loyalty, and admiration towards the Sikkim chief minister.