Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang makes a series of announcements during the 76th Independence Day celebration at Bhaichung stadium in Namchi. Ranging from maternity leave for government employees, Vatsalya to the online portal for restricted area permits and protected area permits,
CM Prem Singh Tamang, while delivering his speech on Independence day at Bhaichung stadium Namchi, mentioned that recently the government had issued a notification saying one year of maternity leave for women teachers, and there was resentment from other women government employees, so CM has announced the same for all government employees, and now all women government employees will get one year of maternity leave notification soon.
Prem Singh Tamang launched the Chief Minister's "Vatsalya " Scheme. Vatsalya is a scheme benefiting mothers and increasing the fertility rate in Sikkim.
A women-centric scheme where an amount of Rs. 3 lakhs of financial assistance for treating infertility would be given to couples having difficulty in conceiving where the couples can undergo In-vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment.
The Sikkim government has launched various programmes like "Mobile village clinics" with the aim of providing health services in the remotest corner of the state; "Aama Sashaktikaran Yojana" for the mother empowerment plan, "Mukhya Mantri Swasthya Suvidha Yojana" for health insurance for MR/Adhoc/Contractual/Probationary Employees.
Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang has also announced "restricted area permit" and "protected area permit" on the online mood for tourists. This will ease the registration process for tourists.