Sikkim has set a new benchmark in tourism with the inauguration of the Dhapper-Bale-Dhunga Ropeway in Yangang, the longest of its kind in India. The ropeway, which began operations on September 16 was celebrated with a ceremonial first ride attended by key figures including Sikkim Assembly Vice-Chairperson Rajkumari Thapa, former Press Secretary to the Chief Minister Vikas Basnet, District Panchayat K.D. Khaple, and several other prominent party workers and staff.
Vice-Chairperson Thapa praised Honorable Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang for his pivotal role in completing the ambitious project. Thapa highlighted the project’s transformation from a near-derelict state under the previous government to a landmark achievement under the Sikkim Krantikari Morcha (SKM) administration. She emphasized that the ropeway represents a significant boost for Yangang and Sikkim’s tourism sector.
“The Dhapper-Bale-Dhunga Ropeway is not just a testament to our commitment to enhancing tourism but also a historical milestone for the people of Sikkim,” said Thapa. “We are immensely grateful to Chief Minister Tamang for his support in bringing this project to fruition.”
Former Press Secretary Vikas Basnet also commended the high-quality construction provided by Poma Company, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for visitors. The ropeway is now open to the public, with tickets priced at 950 rupees for a round trip.