Indian cricket star Sachin Tendulkar has filed a case against an Australian bat manufacturer for allegedly using his name and image to promote products and failed to pay him a royalty of $2 million.
As per reports, Sydney-based Spartan Sports International agreed in 2016 to pay Sachin at least $1 million a year to use his image, logo and promotional services to sell “Sachin by Spartan” sporting accessories.
As showed in documents, Sachin Tendulkar promoted the products and appeared at a range of promotional events in places such as London and the Indian financial hub of Mumbai. But later in September 2018, Spartan had failed to make a single payment. Following this, the cricket legend ended the agreement, asking the company to stop using his name and likeness.
However, the bat manufacturer did not.
Tendulkar accused the Australian company of misleading or deceptive conduct, “passing off”, or suggesting an official endorsement when none existed, and breach of contract. It did not say what damages were sought.
The court website showed the lawsuit was filed on June 5, with the first court date in Sydney on June 26. ($1=1.4499 Australian dollars).
About Sachin Tendulkar:
Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar is a former Indian international cricketer and a former captain of the Indian national team. He is widely regarded as the greatest batsmen in the history of cricket. He is the highest run scorer of all time in International cricket. Sachin Tendulkar has the 10th-highest individual score (200) in ODIs in a single inning.