On Thursday, Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa sharma in his address on the arrival of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Karbi Anglong stated that the signing of Karbi Accord that took place under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has established peace and ensured fast-paced growth in the region.
"Legendary Singer Bhupen Hazarika once stated that Work is religion for Karbi people ''. I'm truly thankful to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the signing of the Karbi accord which brought peace and development together", Sarma stated while addressing the arrival of PM Modi.
Chief Minister Sharma further thanked the Prime Minister for signing the tripartite agreement of karbi Anglong peace accord in cooperation with the Assam government and the five insurgents group for ensuring greater devolution of autonomy to the karbi Anglong Autonomous council, protection of identity, language culture etc.
He also thanked the Prime Minister saying that after 2014 in the northeast region he made various agreements such as BRU accord in Tripura, he signed Boro accord in Assam, NLFT accord and today he did sign an accord in Karbi anglong. Along with that from Assam he lifted sixty percent of disturb area and removed AFSPA from parts of the Northeast region and has started a new development in the state of Assam.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived at Diphu, Karbi Anglong district to attend the ‘Peace, Unity and Development Rally’ in Assam along with Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma today.