Prime Minister Narendra Modi stated on Friday, in a veiled attack on the Congress, that efforts were made to make technology "anti-poor" during past governments' tenures, and that his government has been applying new mantras of good governance in India from the last eight years. The Prime Minister praised India's excitement for drone technology, saying that the country has the potential to become a worldwide drone powerhouse.
He stated, speaking to a crowd at India's largest drone festival in the national capital, "Technology was formerly seen as part of the problem by previous governments, and efforts were made to make technology anti-poverty. As a result, there was a climate of apathy toward the use of technology in governance before 2014. The poor, destitute middle class bore the brunt of the consequences."
"Over the last 8 years, we have started implementing new mantras of good governance in India. Following the path of minimum government and maximum governance, we have made ease of living and ease of doing business a priority," he said.
The Prime Minister praised India's enthusiasm for drone technology, saying that "this energy is visible and it is a reflection of the quantum jump in the drone service and drone-based economy in India." "It demonstrates the potential of a growing significant sector in India for job creation. India has the potential to become a worldwide powerhouse for drones "he stated
Bharat Drone Mahotsav was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday at Pragati Maidan in New Delhi. In the drone exhibition centre, he interacted with kisan drone pilots and witnessed open-air drone demos.