After the CBI court rejected her bail on repeated occasions, Indrani Mukerjea took her case to the Supreme Court in February. The CBI had opposed her bail application in the Supreme Court in March because Indrani Mukerjea is suspected of planning and murdering her own daughter. The CBI court further stated that because Indrani Mukerjea is a powerful woman, there is a strong possibility that she will threaten, intimidate, or bribe prosecution witnesses.In a special leave petition filed against an order issued by the
Bombay high court in November 2021, a bench comprising of Justices L Nageswara Rao, BR Gavai, and AS Bopanna issued the order. The Supreme Court bench highlighted that the case is based on circumstantial evidence and that the trial will proceed even if the prosecution gives up 50% of the witnesses.
A bench comprising Justices L Nageswara Rao, BR Gavai, and AS Bopanna passed the order in a special leave petition filed against an order passed by the Bombay high court in November 2021. The Supreme Court bench noted that the case is based on circumstantial evidence and that even if 50% of the witnesses are given up by the prosecution, the trial will go on.