Sushanta Chowdhury, cabinet spokesman and ICA Minister, stated on Friday that the Tripura cabinet has approved bids to fill 188 positions, including 150 junior physical instructors.
He told the media that twenty Principal positions in 20 Degree Colleges would be filled soon under the Higher Education department, after briefing them on the cabinet decisions.
Later he explained that there were 22 Principals' posts sanctioned at government degree colleges, but the Finance Department approved only 20 of them. He said that the recruitment would be done through the TPSC.
Chowdhury also revealed that the cabinet had approved the hiring of 150 junior physical teachers under the Youth Affairs and Sports department.
According to Chowdhury, there are 995 sanctioned posts, with a proposal for 300 additional roles, of which the Finance Department has approved 150.
In another decision, the cabinet approved the hiring of six assistant professors, two associate professors, and two professors in the Higher Education department, for a total of ten positions. He stated that the cabinet meeting decided on the creation and filling of the posts for the M.Ed course.
In addition, four empty Principal positions in Polytechnic Colleges would be filled at the Diploma level, said Chowdhury.
Another significant step was the approval of minor amendments to the Tripura Stenographer Service by the government. Shorthand is now required, according to Chowdhury.
"The state government has decided to set up a new Forensic Laboratory under the Home department and four posts have been created for it", he told the reporters that one retired employee would be selected on a contract basis as Chief Executive Officer of Tripura Horti Corporation.