On Wednesday, a video of Tripura's royal scion and Chairman of Tipraha Indigenous Progressive Regional Alliance (T.I.P.R.A) Pradyot Bikram Manikya Debbarma went viral on social media. He stated that his grandmother Maharani Kanchan Prava Devi gave the Tripura land to Hindustan. So calling her grandchildrens traitors does not fit.
Maharani Kanchan Prava Devi ruled Tripura. She was obliged by Indian pressure to sign the merger agreement on 9th September 1949. She stepped down as regent when the state was merged with India in 1949.
In the Facebook video, he addresses a public rally and also claimed that ‘‘TIPRA has never done the politics of religion.’’
He also said that they are patriots and they love the land and the country. Manikya also stated that no one can love Tripura as TIPRA does.
Addressing the rally Manikya said, ‘‘TIPRA has never done the politics of religion. Temples, mosques, and masjids in Tripura were made by Maharaja. We are not against you all”.
Manikya went on to say that, “All we want is a constitutional solution. During the Covid-19 pandemic, we helped so many people. We have never judged who was Jamatia who was Tripura, who was Chakma who was Muslim, who were Bengali or Manipuri.’’