Biplab Kumar Deb took oath as the chief minister of Tripura today, officially ushering the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led coalition government in the Left bastion. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and 16 chief ministers of the BJP-ruled states were also present on the occasion. Former chief minister Manik Sarkar was personally invited by Deb and BJP National General Secretary Ram Madhav. Jishnu Debbarma also took oath as the deputy chief minister.
Earlier in the month, the BJP and its ally Indigenous People's Front of Tripura (IPFT) scripted history in the assembly election by ending the 25 year reign of the Left Front-led by the Communist Party of India (Marxist), with a two-thirds majority in the Tripura legislative assembly elections. The BJP won 35 of the 59 seats that went to polls in Tripura, ousting the CPI(M) which won only in 16 assembly constituencies.