With the ADC polls in Tripura around the corner, speculations are rife over a pre-poll arrangement between both the ruling parties — BJP and IPFT. Although both the parties have, till date, maintained a conspicuous silence on the issue of ADC polls, a closed door meeting has ended at the office quarters of Deputy Chief Minister Jishnu Dev Barma very silently. The Deputy Chief Minister, being the observer of the Tripura BJP Janajati Morcha, convened the meeting to discuss the issue of alliance in order to reach a ‘mutual understanding’ before the polls.
Party insiders told Inside Northeast, “The meeting that has been convened, not officially though, in the quarter of the deputy chief minister is the first such meeting between both allies pertaining to the ADC polls. Being a senior party leader and observer of the state Janajati Morcha, he is always preferred to be the best person to handle these matters. IPFT top-brass after a thorough discussion resolved to meet once again in presence leaders of all the parties in next few days”.
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In the meeting, sources said, leaders of both the parties exchanged thoughts so that a common minimum programme can be drawn. Although a final take on the issue needs further discussions on a broader level, this meeting assumes significance as the polls are very close, sources added.
Upon being asked about the alliance, one of the party top brass in the condition of anonymity said, “An alliance needs mutual understanding. From our end, we are welcoming our junior ally in the government for talks. But, the party will not entertain any steep demand. After the Lok Sabha polls, there are rumors in the air that IPFT may demand the whole ADC, which will not be entertained anyway”. The party top leader who also holds an elected office also claimed that BJP’s organization in the hills is enough to secure a victory in the ADC elections.
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