Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Deb has just confirmed that one more person from Tripura, a 32-years-old male, has tested positive for the novel coronavirus or COVID-19, taking the total number of cases to two. The second case in linked to the first case, which was detected on April 6.
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Moments earlier, Deb took to Twitter to inform about the development. "One more data-focusable="true">#COVID19 positive case in Tripura has been confirmed, taking the total number to 02 The patient is 32 years old Male from Madhya Pradesh and currently staying at Damcherra & has travelled along with the last COVID19 positive patient in train", Deb tweeted.
In a subsequent tweet, Deb implored the public not to panic. "Don't Panic, we are taking all possible measures to keep everyone secure. Stay Home Stay Safe and Co-operate with Government", he wrote.
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It may be recalled that the first case is a 35-year-old woman who is a resident of Gakulnagar in Udaipur under West Tripura district. Tripura disease surveillance officer Dr Deep Debbarma Debbarma has confirmed to Inside Northeast that 5 more people having travel history to the Tablighi Jamaat congregation tested positive in different parts of the country.
It is to be mentioned here that two from the state had tested positive for the virus in Rajasthan’s Bikaner. They were both attendees of the Tablighi Jamaat congregation in New Delhi held in March last. With the detection of this latest case, the total of number of cases linked to Tripura has risen to nine.
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