Tripura Chief Minister Manik Saha said that the law and order situation in Tripura is in a much better position than in other states.
The chief minister further added that law and order problems have declined since BJP came to power in the state and all sorts of crimes including thefts, murders etc have gone down.
Speaking exclusively to India Today NE the Chief Minister said that the Communist Party of India (Marxist) rule under Manik Sarkar took Tripura in the wrong direction and not towards jobs, good hospitals, good schools etc.
The BJP leader also accused the CPI(M) of collecting funds from the government employees to run its party and further added that collection of ‘Chanda’ was at its peak during their tenure.
The CM also claimed that the BJP under the leadership and guidance of Prime Minister Narendra has stopped such illegal activities in the state.
Recalling his days as a Dental Surgeon, the BJP leader said that one could not go or speak against the CPI (M). The Communist Party denied everything to anyone speaking not in favour of them. He said that he suffered a lot during his days as a Professor of dental surgery and was even demoted despite his progress in his work and profession. He said that political and communal violence was at its peak during their rule in Tripura. Even, his brother was attacked and assaulted by the communist party.
Manik Saha said that since BJP came to power all around development has taken place in Tripura. He said Government has been putting all efforts into fulfilling the socio, political and economic aspirations of the people of the state. He alleged that developmental works were ignored during the Left Front regime in the state.