In the serene landscapes of Tripura, a mystical sect known as Satya Sanatan Ram Mandali, belonging to the indigenous Bru community, has been quietly spreading the divine teachings of Lord Ram since 1990.
Initially shrouded in secrecy due to the challenging insurgency situation, this devoted community emerged from the shadows as peace prevailed in later years.
Former Deputy Chief Minister Jishnu Debbarma recently brought the spotlight onto this sacred group through his social media, shedding light on their spiritual endeavors.
In an extraordinary development, members of Satya Sanatan Ram Mandali have been honored with an invitation to participate in the momentous 'Pran Pratistha' ceremony at the grand Ram Mandir in Ayodhya.
Speaking exclusively with India Today NE, Jitendra Reang a member of the Mandali told that their journey is intricately woven with the tapestry of devotion, commitment, and resilience.
“With the guidance of our Guru Muniram Reang, we have constructed our very first temple in the enchanting Dhalai District. Operating initially as a secret society, our efforts to preach the name of Lord Ram faced challenges until 2001 when normalcy returned to the hilly regions of Tripura”, he said.
He said that today, the Mandali proudly boasts 29 temples across Tripura, with an additional three temples gracing the Bru-inhabited areas of Assam.
Jitendra Reang, a member of the Mandali, shared their journey, emphasizing the challenges they overcame and their commitment to promoting the teachings of Sanatan Dharma.
As they embark on a historic pilgrimage to Ayodhya, six members of the Mandali, including the revered Guru Muniram Reang, carry with them the spirit of a decade-long battle and the devotion that fueled their perseverance. This spiritual journey is not merely a physical one but a celebration of their unwavering commitment to Lord Ram.
Former Deputy Chief Minister Jishnu Debbarma, echoing the significance of this moment, shared a special Bhajan performed by the Mandali on social media.
He introduced Pujya Muniram Reang, the chief Sant of Satya Sanatan Ram Mandali, and highlighted their ancient rites and rituals.
“Pujya Muniram Reang is the chief Sant of Satya Sanatan Ram Mandali. A Sanatani Ram Bhakt Sect among the Bru community of Tripura, who have been practising their own rites and rituals since time immemorial. They also have a hierarchy of six saints and preach the values of Sri Ram and abstinence from all intoxicative substances. They will be present in Ayodhya for the Pran Pratistha on 22nd January 2024”, he wrote.