Tripura Chief Minister Dr Manik Saha on Saturday said that the India-Bangladesh Maitri Setu located in the Sabroom Sub-division of the South District of the state, is soon to be operationalized.
He said that Tripura's development speed is consistently high under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Dr Saha said this while addressing a program in Sabroom of Tripura’s South District, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually inaugurated and laid foundation stones for projects worth Rs 8,534.02 Crores on Saturday.
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"Prime Minister Narendra Modi has consistently emphasized that without developing the Northeast, overall development in India is not possible. Thanks to the Act East Policy, we are now witnessing what development truly means. PM Modi has introduced the HIRA Model to us. He has laid the foundation stone for projects worth Rs 8,534 crores in Tripura, the highest amount", he said.
Dr Saha highlighted that the political scenario has changed since 2018 under the leadership of PM Modi.
"We eagerly wait for the operation of Maitri Setu, which will turn Tripura into the gateway of Southeast Asia. The time has come, and soon operations through Maitri Setu will commence. After Akhura, Srimantapur ICP, Sabroom ICP is the largest in Tripura. People from Northeast India and other states can easily access the Chittagong port through this ICP. All of this is possible due to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has worked for the overall development of Tripura. We are proud to have a leader who is propelling the country forward. I also want to express gratitude to PM Modi for this," he added.