Kajal Das, president of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in North Tripura district, was granted bail today after being arrested on April 29 for allegedly assaulting a presiding officer during the phase 2 polls for the Tripura East constituency.
The incident, which occurred on April 26 at a polling station in Bagbasa assembly constituency, was captured in a widely circulated video on social media platforms.
The footage depicts Kajal Das striking the polling official, while multiple unidentified individuals were observed assaulting the officer at Polling Station Number 22. A complaint against Kajal Das was formally lodged by the Assistant Returning Officer of Dharmanagar, as confirmed by a senior police official.
Jayanta Debnath, the officer in charge of Kadamtala Police Station where the case was registered, affirmed that a thorough investigation ensued, leveraging input from sector officers, micro observers, and analysis of the viral video.