Tripura's Deputy Chief Minister Jishnu Dev Varma on December 15 said that Swachh Bharat has now become a social movement.
While attending a cleanliness drive in Agartala, Varma said under the inspiration of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Swachh Bharat has become a social movement and not a programme now.
"If you visit other states and cities, you can see that they are much clean than earlier days. When PM Modi first announced the Swachh Bharat Mission , many people raised questions. But now Swachh Bharat Mission has become a movement. Before his arrival to Tripura we want to gift PM Modi 'Swachh Agartala", he said.
Dev Varma who is also the Finance Minister of the state said that starting from Ministers, MLAs, leaders, and common people will clean Agartala to make the city Swachh.
"This is what our aim is. To make our country, state and city clean. If you visit other states and cities, cleanliness drive is in full swing. We want to make the same in our state. Once upon a time there was always a question on development in Tripura. Development comes with contribution and this what we are doing now. ", he added.